Tu było najwięcej różnic w ocenie mojej i jurorów na temat nagrodzonych prac. Ale też tu było najwięcej różnic jakościowych - wybór najlepszej pracy był rzeczywiście bardzo trudny. Do Birmingham pojechałam przede wszystkim po to, by podziwiać patchworki artystyczne. Wiele patchworków ilustracyjnych należy według mnie także do tej kategorii i tu było wiele bardzo ciekawych, więc skomentuję najpierw pierwszą nagrodę "ilustracyjną": de gustibus non est disputandum - czyli o upodobaniach się nie dyskutuje!!!
Here I was of a total different opinion as the jury about awardwinning works. But there were also most differences in quality - the choice of the bests was really very difficult. To Birmingham I went first of all to admire Art Quilts. Many Pictorial Quilts belong according to my opinion also to this category and there were many very interesting works, I would like to comment this first prize first: de gustibus non est disputandum - tastes are not discussed!
New Beginning - by Elfriede Grooten, NL (322 - Winner in the category Pictorial Quilts)
African Woman (detail) - by Janneke de Vries-Bodzinga, NL (346 - 2 prize in the category Pictorial Quilts)
Sunseeker - by Liz Jones, UK (301 - 3 prize in the category Pictorial Quilts)
Oto kilka patchworków ilustracyjnych: / There are some of pictorial quilts:
The Magical Mermaid's Castle - by Claudia Pfeil, Germany (303 - Pictorial Quilts)
Frog - by Bara Bartosova Zamberk, Czech Republic (334 - Judge's Choice in the category Pictorial Quilts)
Keeping Watch #2 - by Roberta Le Poidevin, UK (338 - Judge's Choice in the category Pictorial Quilts)
Wild Arum - by Liz Brooke Ward, UK (349 - Highly Commended in the category Pictorial Quilts)
Harbour At Low Tide - by Kate Dowty, UK (321 - Pictorial Quilts)
Moim zdaniem jednak takich prac, jak nagrodzony pierwszą nagrodą patchwork artystyczny "Ruins 6" uszyty przez Leah Higgins, powstaje w świecie wiele, i to od dawna! (przykłady patrz w Pinterescie). Techniki przenoszenia zdjęć na tkaninę, drukowania/farbowania tkanin, ich cięcia i zszywania są dziś wysoko rozwinięte, więc takie dzieła bywają spektakularne. Ta nagrodzona praca, choć bardzo ciekawa, nie jest według mnie spektakularna. Ale jedna z niewielu "abstrakcyjnych" (nie ilustracyjnych) i jakościowo jedna z najlepszych.
In my opinion, however, there are plenty of such works all over the world as that with the first prize awarded "Ruins 6" made by Leah Higgins, and that's for a long time! (for examples see Pinterest). Techniques for photo transfer to fabric, for printing/dyeing fabrics and for cutting them and sewing together are today highly developed, so such works are often spectacular. This awarded quilt, although very interesting, is for me not spectacular. But it was one of very few "abstrakt" (not pictorial) works and technically one of the best
Ruin 6 - by Leah Higgins, UK (535 - Winner in the category Art Quilts)
Oto kilka patchworków artystycznych: / There are some of art quilts:
Rainy Day Dora Creek #13 - by Judy Hooworth, Australia (456 - 3 prize in the category Art Quilts)
Coral Reefs 2 - by Jean Marshall, UK (525 - 2 prize in the category Art Quilts)
Galloping Wild and Free - by Helen Godden, Australia (460 - Art Quilts)
Glue and Stick - Anne Smith, UK (464 - Art Quilts)
A Quiet Winter - by Marita Lappalainen, Finland (457 - Highly Commended in the category Art Quilts)
Lost Communication - by Jackie Smith, UK (493 - Art Quilts) - left
Four Minute Sampler - by Liz Brooke Ward, UK (494 - Art Quilts) - right / and detail
Purdah - by Linzi Upton, UK (536 - Art Quilts)
150 Years of Alice in Wonderland - by Arthur Ridley, UK (524 - Judge's Choice in the category Art Quilts) - my Coup de Coeur!
Think Tea - by Sheena Hughes, UK (543 - Art Quilts)
Cacharros - by Mayte Rodriguez, Spain (510 - Art Quilts)
I oczywiście polskie patchworki artystyczne i ilustracyjne pokazane tu.
And of course Polish art and pictorial quilts shown here.
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